
Posts Tagged ‘chakra’


Children are brilliant.  I must preface with that, because as a teacher and parent I receive most of my inspiration from two sources.  Children and nature.  Aside from mySelf, those are two direct links with the divine.  Right now is the planning and dreaming phase of the cycle.  I get a little conversational with our children right now about what is to come. They need the preparation.  They need the warm up to understanding and learning.  It’s a gentle lifting of the veil one might say.

In 5th grade, we are going to learn some ancient cultures and forms of spirituality, which in my macro view expands tolerance, consciousness, compassion, and brings greater understanding of what has happened, mistakes by humanity and all. These bits of character seed into the next generation that will be coming into maturity to steward the planet. What Will they do? How Will they be? What will they eventually leave here for posterity?

The form on the window is the symbol for the sacral chakra.  It’s my inspiration at the moment. After conversating with my 10 year old earlier this week, he walked over to the window and blew his hot breath, drawing the symbol for the throat chakra.  In that moment, I was reminded of my delicate blessed position. My job is big, and it spans time and space.  I am in gratitude, and deep down I know I better get up everyday and work hard.  This planning, this dreaming, this assisstance to help Awaken these beautiful souls is an honor.  This, this is part of my process.  My art.  Life is art and ceremony, and in all seriousness and humor we must dance and weave.

So this morning I will do the sacred dance, in our home, inside of myself, and in my notebooks.  I need to Be more than I need to Know.  Now is when that Knowing churns within me, a turbine of hoped for grace rising into manifestation. My heart is a filter.  My voice is a filter. They are tools. Last and most importantly, my hands.  My hands are my tools for Loving, Teaching and Giving. What Will I do?

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